Simon Wakim

A photo of Simon Wakim

Simon Wakim has been at the leading edge of the premium car market in Australia for over 20 years – and now it’s clear that the future, tomorrow’s leading edge, is green.

While initially slow to embrace electric vehicles (EV), largely because of Australian’s notorious ‘range anxiety’ and the limited models available, Australian consumers are now rushing to EVs. The market is blossoming with new releases increasing every quarter.

Simon brings to the burgeoning EV market 20 years’ experience in the luxury sector, owning or running several dealerships, keeping a constant hand in front-line sales and a passion for customer-centric service. He’s built a detailed understanding of the economics that underpin individual dealerships, brands, and the auto market as a whole.

Simon founded a luxury car and 4WD dealership in Camperdown, Sydney, where he a nurtured a commitment to customer-centric service and a passion and joy for delivering drivers the cars of their dreams.

As an industry consultant, Simon provided strategic guidance on the launch of the world’s largest EV company, BYD, into the Australian market.

Simon has also expanded his expertise into the supporting infrastructure for EVs including charging stations. It was obvious to Simon that the success of the sector was as dependent on the charging network as it was on the range and performance of the EVs themselves.

The parallels between the luxury car market and the early adopters in the EV sector are strong, with most EV buyers looking for similar performance and quality cues found in premium car models. Ironically, the status symbol that underpins premium EVs is as much of their appeal as is their sustainability credentials. And the torque performance of higher-end EVs often matches the acceleration of sports cars three times the price.

It's these factors that have meant Simon’s pedigree in luxury car market sales perfectly positions him for the future of the EV market, helping Australia’s transportation transition to a greener future.

Simon proudly continues to pursue his passion for cars, but now doing so with purpose and a clear conscience. A dedicated husband and father of three loved children, he’s proudly contributing to a future in motoring that’s cleaner, more enjoyable, and safer.